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Trademark Lawyers: How Do They Protect You?Trademark Lawyers: How Do They Protect You?

Trademark law is a complicated legal field. It can be hard to know where to start and what steps to take in order to protect your trademark. This blog post will break down the basics of trademark law, so that you can have a better understanding of how it works and what you need to do in order for your trademark rights to not be infringed upon by others, including identifying when to have a Trademark Lawyer Houston represent you in your trademark adventure.

What is a trademark?

A trademark is a word, phrase or symbol that identifies the source of goods and services. It can be anything from words to design elements like Nike’s swoosh slogan “Just Do it” all the way down to color schemes such as McDonalds golden arches. Trademarks are intellectual property which ensures your brand uniqueness among other brands so you stand out in any market place – and in certain situations, even if others have come up with similar ideas before!

When should I apply for a trademark?

Registering a trademark can be the most important step in your company’s branding. It is very competitive and sometimes difficult to file before someone else does, but it will give you an edge on those that haven’t made this crucial first move yet!

You should either register your trademark directly through a government office, or have a private service provider represent you in registration. Depending on your industry, it’s best to do it as soon as legally possible.

How do I apply for a trademark in USA?

You may have the right to claim ownership of a trademark under common law, but that won’t protect it if legal trouble arises in the future. Registering with the USPTO will ensure benefits like being covered by federal laws, instead of state laws. State laws can be more difficult for prosecution, and you’d be less likely to enforce penalties on those who violate your trademark, since it wouldn’t be a federally recognized crime. 

There are two ways you can go about registering your trademarks: submitting an application directly to the USPTO, or hiring an attorney to file your application for you.

What are the benefits of trademark law?

Registering a trademark can lead to many legal and financial benefits, such as possessing the rights to your mark. This means that others cannot use it for their own benefit without risking an infringement lawsuit brought by you or your company; this is especially helpful if there are any future struggles with competitors infringing on the brand’s intellectual property rights. 

And while some costs may be needed up-front in order to register new trademarks, these expenses will likely be offset later down the line by all the benefits of commercially using your trademark.

How do I apply for an international trademark?

If you register a trademark with the USPTO, your trademark protection rights apply within the United States as well. If you’re targeting the global marketplace and want to protect your rights abroad, too, then it would be best if you’re referred to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), which has jurisdiction over all member states and territories of the UN—including America.

Find a Local Trademark Attorney

Intellectual property is serious business. If you want a strategy for your trademarks to protect you in the best way possible, then seek professional advice from a Houston trademark lawyer. They’ve been in the trenches, so you don’t have to spend days trying to learn it yourself.